Why Grow Your Own Organic Vegetables
Why Have a Vegetable Garden? Why buy a head of lettuce that’s been shipped 3000 miles when you can grow one just outside your door? ...
Why Have a Vegetable Garden?
Why buy a head of lettuce that’s been shipped 3000 miles when you can grow one just outside your door?
Learn more: Growing Food in the City
Why buy a head of lettuce that’s been shipped 3000 miles when you can grow one just outside your door?
Fresh Every Season
Yard-to-table sustains families. Having a Homefront Farmers organic vegetable garden means you and your family have the freshest, most delicious vegetables possible, every day in the growing season, right in your own backyard. It’s like having your very own farmer’s market! Imagine the juiciest, most delicious tomatoes, crispy lettuces, vitamin-packed kale, the sweetest carrots, all perfectly ripe and nutritious, just the way nature intended!
We Make it Easy
Homefront Farmers are the area experts. Our highly trained and knowledgeable staff will design, build and maintain your vegetable garden so it’s perfectly beautiful and completely hassle-free. What better way to return to the simple pleasures of growing and eating your own food than with your own organic garden, done right and made easy. Know a bit about gardening and just need a helping hand? We do that too. We do whatever you need to get you growing.
Good For You And The Planet
Growing your own food is a responsible way to protect the environment. We start with nutrient-rich organic soil and planting strategies that enhance your backyard ecosystem by attracting beneficial insects and deterring pests. A Homefront Farmers organic garden also means there’s no gas consumption or toxic emissions involved in the transport of produce grown in distant states. Converting part of your lawn to garden will also reduce pollution from lawn mowers and lawn care products.
Curb Appeal
Edible gardens enhance properties in every season. A beautiful Homefront Farmers garden will transform your yard into a landscape for healthy living and a sanctuary with curb appeal.
Child’s Play
Kids learn where foods come from and get involved outdoors. Having a Homefront Farmers organic garden can help children develop an interest in how food is grown and create a healthy respect for the environment. Taking care of their very own garden will pique your children’s interest in nature, animals and the relationship between the good earth and people, not to mention distract them from electronics and get them outdoors. An investment in your property is also an investment in your family’s health.
Why an Organic Vegetable Garden?
Organic foods grown right at home cannot be healthier.
With a Homefront Farmers organic garden in your yard, you can feel good knowing that no chemicals or pesticides have been added to the food you and your family are eating. It’s about the healthiest, tastiest food on the planet. While the term “organic” means many different things to many different growers, Homefront Farmers, the area leader, follows a strict model of practices established by NOFA (Northeastern Organic Farming Association) that promote the health and ecological biodiversity of your garden. We never use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, or other synthetic applications on our gardens.
Benefits of a Homefront Farmers Organic Garden
There is such value associated with having your own edible garden. Here are just three of the benefits:
Good for you… Grown naturally and picked at the peak of freshness.
Good for your family… A teaching moment about where food comes from and the freshest, tastiest ingredients.
Good for the planet… Locally grown means less gas consumption and toxic emissions filling the air we breathe.